
Making good work: the power of shared values in partnerships

We’re in business for good, and our clients are too.

Our latest collaboration with Open Media is a great example of how Agent goes beyond the ordinary client-agency dynamic. This recent rebrand, web launch and communications strategy not only underscore our commitment to delivering impact but also highlights our passion and shared values. Paul, our CEO, believes these shared values continue to set us apart.

“At our core, we’re all about doing good business, and it makes a difference when our clients are on the same page. Open Media is a great example. This is not just about coming to the table and giving them a new logo. This is about working hand in hand with their team and asking, ‘what does the future look like?’ ‘How do we present a new strategic direction for your company?’.

Working with a client whose values align perfectly with ours is a game-changer. It’s about getting under the bonnet, understanding their vision, and crafting a strategic direction together. That’s where the magic happens and how you learn more about the client.

It’s exciting when you 100% hand on heart know that your values are aligned. Open Media is a partner who’s as invested in the work as we are. You don’t get much better than that.

They don’t just talk the talk, they go the extra mile and invest time, energy and spend. When they became the first outdoor media B Corp in UK & Europe, they showed their commitment to responsible business practices and growth done right.

Last year we started on our own B Corp journey. We wanted to evidence our long-standing commitment to the brilliant people around us, the places we live and work, and of course, our planet.

Like Open Media, social responsibility is in our DNA, and it’s a powerful force that inspires others to follow suit. Since we began in 2006, Agent has always been all about socially minded initiatives. That’s why we launched our sister social enterprise, Agent Academy, in 2014, to help train and connect the next generation of talent into the creative and digital sectors.

And Open Media became one of the first companies to employ graduates from Agent Academy. That says a lot about us and them. It shows that they’re a like-minded partner. One that’s committed to building a collective ecosystem for positive change.

Open Media Office

Agent Academy Alumni, Helena, in their role as Open Media’s Senior Operations and Sustainability Executive

That commitment creates a ripple effect. Over the past six months we’ve seen at least one of our clients start their own B Corp journey because of the strategic work we’ve done with them. It’s not just B Corp accreditations, though. There are lots of clients who want to advance in these spaces, diving into various endeavours that match their own values – everything from charitable causes, carbon offsetting to enhanced maternity and paternity provisions.

I believe driving impactful change is a collaborative journey fuelled by shared values. And it’s a powerful system for growth.

Let’s remember that ‘making good work’ is doing good business.” Here’s to more of that, eh?

Go check out the brilliant work of the Agent and Open teams here.

There’s no place like out of home…

*clicks heels*
